Computer train control software

Control software an overview of our model railroad control software. Catalog our product line, price list, and ordering information. Welcome to train control systems train control systems. Our interactive control panel puts you in charge at a centralized traffic control center. A simple introduction to using a computer to control a model railway that uses digital command control. You can dispatch trains, configure routes, and assign blocks, all with a single click of the mouse. We want it to be usable to as many people as possible, so were building it in java to run anywhere, and were trying to make it independent of specific hardware systems. Modern software techniques make it possible to run the program on all major computer operating systems such as windows, macos and linux. It can control 4 different ac or dc devices and can monitor 4 sensors, including ir, photocell, magnetic and currentdetection sensors.

Mrcs is your home for open source electronics for model railroad operations. Reliable and fast processing based on unique traintelligence technology, which allows for reliable processing of up to commands per second. Manufacturers of the highest quality dcc decoders and control systems for model railroads. Simple and effective operation with the latest windows interfaces. It requires separate purchase of an interface module like a digitrax pr4 if youre using loconet for connections, or nce223 if youre using the nce system.

Worldwide first model railroad control software with own handheld. We are pleased to announce that each of these excellent software packages provides full support for cti. Model railroad computer control with traincontroller. Sandy has over 230 feet of track, all controlled using his home computer. Computer control jmri is a program that allows you to connect your dcc system to your computer. This is a victory for jmri and opensource software in general. Third party software cti model railroad computer control. Ctis powerful, userfriendly software makes it easy to control every aspect of your model railroad from your pc. Digital model railway control systems are often connected with an external computer where special software for controlling the train.

Dcc support integrated support for nmra standard digital command control. Xtrackcad is a cad program for designing model railroad layouts. For example, automatic block control avoids collisions and you control which train is driving manually or fully automatically according to a selected route. Rocrail is free software for controlling model trains for linux, apple. That will get you started with the control and sensing features of the system. Introduction layout control for windows, macos and linux. Traincontroller is the worldclass software for controlling model railroads with a computer.

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