Packed decimal cobol copy book numerical

For example, a packeddecimal item is checked for hexadecimal values x0 through x9 in the digit positions and for a valid sign value in the sign position whether separate or nonseparate. The following sections will show snippets of cobol code that may be used to edit prepare or convert the various numeric formats for printing or displaying. The field wsnumx is pic x5 due to it being the group level of the. The numeric formats like int, long etcetera are all stored packed write them to a file and see. For packeddecimal fields, with an even picture clause, except for 918. Help on packed decimal fields needed i have written a cobol program that reads a file and creates a tabbed delimited file of all the fields for me to import into access or excel. Refer to the cobol routine for example101 and view the cobol source code for this numeric field conversion example. Cobol comp3 is a binary field type that puts packs two digits into each byte, using a notation called binary coded decimal, or bcd. Interpreting comp3 packed decimal fields into numeric values. The description and discussion includes the format for edited numeric running in an ascii or nonmainframe environment such as windows or unix. Movement of x19 to comp3 packed decimal by gurvinder23. A packed decimal field is almost always an even number of bytes. Move identifier1 literal1 to identifier2 top benefits of cobol move reserved word.

The report writer is a declarative facility for creating reports. By default, numeric values in cobol files are stored in display, or character, format, in the same way the letters of the alphabet are stored. When it is an evennumber of digits, the compiler generates code to ensure that the leftmost halfbyte is always zero. The corresponding positive value would be x0015000c. Best practice is to always make packed fields an odd length to avoid this confusion. Comp3 is very common and its format is nearly universal across platforms.

Move identifier1 literal1 to identifier2 top benefits of cobol move reserved word we can move a smaller field to a bigger fieldwe cannot move a bigger field to a smaller field. The field contains a value of onehundredtwentythree or 00123. Ebcdic and ascii is required it will need to be done after the file transfer. If it helps, in mainframe cobol terminology, strings are stored like character type, and ints etc are stored like packed decimal types. Cobol compressed packed decimal conversion sas support. Extract zoned and packeddecimal values from character. Im importing a file from cobol into sas and am encountering a problem with two packed decimal fields in the conversion. The unsigned or implied positive and the signed formats with positive and negative examples are discussed. For example, given a sixbyte signed zoned decimal value with an implied decimal point to the right of. A packeddecimal field is defined in cobol with the usage is computational3 clause. Unfortunately, what that means for any binary or packeddecimal or floatingpoint fields you wont see much of the last, but they are comp1comp2 is that convert means potentially scrambled, because the coversion is assuming individual bytes, with simple byte values, whereas all of those fields have conventional coding, either through. The cobol pic, or picture, for a comp3 packed field specifies the number of digits after unpacking. Create sequential file with packed decimal numeric values.

If it was an mf book that suggested computational3 was ansi 85 can you email me the reference please so i can get it fixed. Copybook format specifies the format of the copybook source. A cobol copybook is a selection of code that defines data structures. The cobol usage clause would be comp, comp3 and display. For example, pic s95 packed decimal represents five digits.

Numeric scaling the implied decimal character v in the picture clause is. Im currently working on something which requires me to move an unpacked numeric to a packed numeric variable in a copybook. The hex value stored in each of these formats, assuming the 1542. Solved packed decimal to numeric or alphanumeric topic. Comp3 stores data in a bcd binary coded decimal format with the sign after the least significant digit. The original company may use a 5 character alphanumeric with a letter prefix, and the new company may use a 9 digit packed field. These characters vary depending on the local character code page setting.

Since the packed decimal format stores a digit in each nibble 2 digits per byte the actual field size is only three 3 bytes. Copybooks often contain the name and data types of variables that associated cobol programs, such as cics commarea, use to exchange information. A copybook may be included in more than one cobol program, and a program may include more than one copybook. I have a file which i dont know the copybook if we do. This is a data overview of the edited, numeric format used on an ibm mainframe system in an ebcdic environment. For attributes that describe indicators, subordinate 88 levels are used. Packed decimal items occupy 1 byte of storage for every two decimal digits you code in the picture description, except that the rightmost byte contains only one digit and the sign.

Cobol lesson 120 comp3 packed decimal numerics youtube. This halves the storage requirements compared to a character, or cobol display, field. Packeddecimal an item with cobol usage comp3 or packed decimal. If a particular data structure is used in many programs, then instead of writing the same data structure again, we can use copybooks.

The process of adding the packed field to zero giving a result in a display field is the same as doing an unpack of the packed field into a zoneddecimal or display field. A packeddecimal field does not need to be an oddnumber of digits. Typically, programs that exchange data in this way are compiled with the same copybook file. The hex value stored in each of these formats, assuming the. It took me awhile to figure out what went wrong with the packed decimal conversions. This is the official bcd packed format of the cobol standard. As you can quickly see, the result is probably not what you were hoping for since y does not contain a human readable formatted number i. Cobol numeric formats, convert numeric formats using cobol. The process of adding the packed field to zero giving a result in a display field is the same as doing an unpack of the packed field into a zoned decimal or display field.

Figure 1 shows what the number 21544 looks like in zoneddecimal format. Packeddecimal, on an ibm mainframe a packeddecimal field uses one byte to store two digits except for the sign position that contains a single digit in the highorder nibble and the sign value in the low order nibble. Display, comp3, packeddecimal or binary, comp, comp4 and not truncbin. You could, but normally packed decimal fields on an ibm computer are of a fixed size, irregardless of the content. The attribute names are used as subordinate level names. Enterprise cobol running under zos is used on an ibm mainframe system. Cobol packed decimal converter to vb decimal visual. Comp3 is a common data type, even outside of cobol, and is fairly standard across platforms that is, it is not. The project is created successfully, but while running the project it fails on frompackeddecimal transformer and not able to complete the parsing. This is an overview of the numeric, packeddecimal format also referred to as a packed.

Calculations with decimal fields are more efficient than calculations with pacf fields. Extract zoned and packeddecimal values from character fields, take two. Computational3 fields packeddecimal format are often defined as having an odd number of digits even if the field will not be used to hold a number of that magnitude. As the fields are read in, some of the unpacked results read out to the equivalent of hex values 00 or 1a, and therefore my data step thinks it is at the end of a row prematurely. Then you only need to deal with the printable range of numeric characters representing 0 through 9. If you may possibly need to compile in a cobol environment earlier than ansi 85 then use comp3 or computational3 as packeddecimal wouldnt compile. Cobol lesson 120 comp3 packed decimal numerics ms access. To calculate the number of bytes from the pic, add 1 for the sign to the total number of digits, divide by 2, and round up if necessary. The actual number of bytes occupied in the file is about half that. Since it was not possible to extract the actual value of packed decimal in this case, the db2 person converted packed decimal to varchar before sending the data. For example, pic s95 packeddecimal represents five digits.

Cobol copy file for test file the following source member pktotsb1. How can i convert decimal value to packed format java in. Comp3 is so common that we have written a separate tech talk brief about it. The internal representation of packeddecimal numbers always allows for an odd number of digits. Conversion from alphanumeric to packed decimal a heads up for you regarding the numeric check on a comp3 field. How to move zoned decimal value into packed decima according to the output displayed in the original question, we can assume that field workonhandqty which is defined as pic x05 contained 15bbb b being a space. Binary, computational, and computational4 data items can be affected by the trunc compiler option. A move from s9n to 9n for either packed decimal or display usages in the receiving field will guarentee an f zone in the receiving field. The programmer need only specify the report layout and the data required to produce it, freeing them from having to write code to handle.

The display format may be referred to as a character or text format. I assume your question is actually how to convert one format into another format, in your case going from a string representation of a number to a packed format of that number. The focus is on the usage of the mainframe or micro focus cobol pic 9. The following is the full syntax for packeddecimal. Viewed it through file aid along with input files copy book questions. You must consider the change in field length when coding the end position in positions 40 through 43 of the output specifications and the field is to be output in packed format. In storage, your value of 15000 would be represented as x0015000d. As the packed decimal is amount which shud be numeric but the declaration done is in packed decimal i. The record content has one text string and three 3 numeric fields that are defined as packeddecimal or comp3 format. Eyulnnnn note the following as you use the cobol copy books. Help on packeddecimal fields needed i have written a cobol program that reads a file and creates a tabbed delimited file of all the fields for me to import into access or excel. For information about the effect of this compiler option, see the enterprise cobol programming guide. Does anyone know of or know how to convert a cobol packed decimal in a text file to a decimal that. To describe data in cobol, one must understand the following terms.

Find a best practice for integrating technologies in ibm redbooks. For zoned decimal and packeddecimal items, the numeric class test is affected by the numproc compiler option and the numcls option which is set at. I thought unpack would be a good name for the packeddecimal routine. Data division is used to define the variables used in a program. For zoned decimal and packed decimal items, the numeric class test is affected by the numproc compiler option and the numcls option which is set at. The technique used for the binary, packed decimal and zoned decimal is the same. Apr 23, 2009 movement of x19 to comp3 packed decimal by gurvinder23 thu aug, 2009 11. First, see if you can get your mainframe conterparts to convert all noncharacter i. Packed decimal fields does not display a printable sign.

This format is most efficient when you code an odd number of digits in the picture description, so that the leftmost byte is fully used. We use the copy statement to include a copybook in a program. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software. When you generate a xom from a cobol copybook most cobol types map. The numeric formats like int, long etcetera are all stored packed write them to a. Conversion of packed decimal field to numeric field hi, please let me know if we can have a pd field converted to numeric data using syncsort. V is the decimal position 93 is a three digit numeric. The structure level 1 name is the resource table format name such as, emasstrt. If youre unsure of this datas origination and it contains an f neutralnibble instead of a c or a d signnibble, the numeric check will fail, because the picture clause. Several numeric data types are discussed, including the common packed and comp3 fields. When reading a binary or comp field specification, the size listed in the pic is the number of. Copy statement is used in the workingstorage section. To find the length of the field after it has been packed, use the following formula.

Often you will find packed decimal fields which logically should contain an evennumber of digits having an oddnumber of digits, to avoid the generation of. Usage packed decimal, where data is stored in the smallest possible decimal format typically packed binarycoded decimal report writer. The method here can be referred to as simple binarycoded decimal sbcd or bcd 8421. The following table shows the structure of a five digit numeric field using the packed decimal format i. A field that holds a sixdigit gregorian date, for example, can be declared as pic s96 comp3. Some languages such as cobol and pli directly support fixedpoint zoned decimal values, assigning an implicit decimal point at some location between the decimal digits of a number. Cobol is primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. See cobol comp3 packed fields for a full description of this data type. Figure 1 shows what the number 21544 looks like in zoned decimal format. I want to convert numeric string 12345 10 byte into packed decimal format in one cobol program, and in another cobol program same packed decimal value converted back to string 12345 10 byte i tried with below logic converting string to packed. The description and discussion includes the format both content and size for packed decimal running in an ascii or nonmainframe environment such as linux, unix or windows.

External decimal both zoned decimal and national decimal data items are. For example, a packed decimal item is checked for hexadecimal values x0 through x9 in the digit positions and for a valid sign value in the sign position whether separate or nonseparate. Moving unpacked numeric to packed numeric cobol general. The other answers to the side, if you have the source of the original cobol. For your program, check for negative d and if not, treat as positive. Hence is there a way where we can read pd and convert it in to numeric or alphanumeric i tried an option by changing file format from p. Packeddecimal format, description and discussion simotime. Often you will find packeddecimal fields which logically should contain an evennumber of digits having an oddnumber of digits, to avoid the generation of. If you are new to mainframe computing, you might not recognize two common types of numeric variables in cobol. In versions of cobol prior to cobol 85 the size of a redefining field companyname or group had to be the same size or smaller than the field or group it redefined. It is imperative, procedural and, since 2002, objectoriented.

Txt file in the downloadable code to a source physical file member of your choosing and follow the directions at the beginning of the member. Jun 29, 2016 i want to convert numeric string 12345 10 byte into packed decimal format in one cobol program, and in another cobol program same packed decimal value converted back to string 12345 10 byte i tried with below logic converting string to packed. May 06, 2014 cobol lesson 120 comp3 packed decimal numerics ms access. Each nybble halfbyte of the field is a decimal value in binary, so. Jul 27, 2006 in a packed decimal, zoned decimal, binary, the. The field received from mainframe db2 is a combination of char and packed decimal and returned as a varchar field.

By default, numeric values in cobol files are stored in display. How to convert decimal values to strings in cobol stack. This is an overview of the numeric, packeddecimal format also referred to as a packed data, packed numeric or comp3 field used on ibm mainframe systems in an ebcdic environment. This video shows the format in which numeric data is stored in zoned decimal conventional and packed decimal comp3 format. A packed decimal field does not need to be an oddnumber of digits.

I was trying to parse a cobol ebcdic file with packed, signed decimal using dt studion created a dt project to parse cobol file using import project wizard. So my advice to you is dont try bend cobol into something that it is not. Packed decimal conversion java beginning java forum at. The following table represents decimal digits from 0 to 9 in various bcd systems. Data names must be defined in the data division before using them in the procedure division. Numeric formats include binary, packed decimal and zoned decimal. For the packed decimal representation listed above, x indicates the number of digits represented, and w is the number of bytes. This is a discussion of cobol computational fields. The binarycoded decimal scheme described in this article is the most common encoding, but there are many others. A move from s9n to 9n for either packeddecimal or display usages in the receiving field will guarentee an f zone in the receiving field. I have used this since cobol d for dos release 26 on a 36030. Packeddecimal items occupy 1 byte of storage for every two decimal digits you code in the picture description, except that the rightmost byte contains only one digit and the sign. Numericedited, on the other hand contains all of the editing characters in the stored value.

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